Tag: overseas

  • Travel: Leaving New Zealand (again) – Returning to Europe; albeit with some hesitance

    Travel: Leaving New Zealand (again) – Returning to Europe; albeit with some hesitance

    Last year I found myself working on a farm in Germany for several months. As the seasons changed from Autumn to Winter, I felt the draw to return home – to see family and friends that hadn’t seen in nearly three years, and attend a friends wedding. I booked a return flight, assuming I would…

  • Observations on London: The Weather

    Observations on London: The Weather

    British people love to talk about the weather. This is no secret. Living in London, the locals constantly complain about the cold days, the overcast days, the wet days, and if a hot day comes along, they’ll complain that it’s too hot. Although it is true that London weather isn’t the best in the world,…

  • How to live and work in the UK! – Steps to getting the visa

    How to live and work in the UK! – Steps to getting the visa

    Before you head off on your ‘O.E.’ (if you’re a Kiwi the classic adventure is working in the UK), the first and most obvious step is to obtain the legal right to live and work in that country. As an Australasian or Commonwealth citizen one way to obtain this is via the Tier 5 Youth…